Dancing With Danger Read online

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  M.C. Romances

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  The End

  Book Previews



  Dancing With Danger

  Aces High – Dakota Series #1

  Christine Michelle

  Copyright © 2018 Christine M. Butler / Christine Michelle

  All rights reserved.

  Scanning, uploading, copying, and/or any distribution of this book, either electronically or otherwise, is illegal and punishable by law without express written permission from the publisher.

  Help support authors you love by only purchasing legitimate copies of their work through trusted sources.

  Any similarities to persons, organizations, or places written about within these pages is purely coincidental, as this is a work of fiction.


  To my readers who have been waiting, and craving something a little different too.


  Christine Michelle

  aka: Christine M. Butler



  Setting the Stage


  Landing Zone


  Clubhouse Blues


  Hidden Truths


  When BRATs Attack


  Gut Punch


  Silence is Not Golden


  Better Than Apologies


  The Return


  Waking to a Nightmare


  Dancing is Therapy


  Planning is Everything


  Pushing Up Daisies


  Setting the Trap


  Taking the Bait


  Meeting Mom


  In the End



  Other Books




  About the Author

  M.C. Romances

  S.H.E. Series

  Angel-Girl (Mar. 2018)

  Keys (May 2018)

  JoJo (May 2018)

  Aces High – Dakotas Series

  Dancing With Danger

  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (May 2018)

  Aces High – Charleston Series

  The Other Princess (Oct. 2018)

  Aces High – Tallahassee Series

  Crushed (June 2018)

  Chapter 1

  Charlie Cooper is that you?”

  I cringed inside when I heard my real name shouted out by the drunken idiot I once attended high school with. Savion, one of our bouncers who played bodyguard for the dancers, was on him before he could slur another word. The damage was already done though. I never acknowledged whether the asshole was correct, but Savion’s quick interference didn’t go unnoticed by the crowd of my usual fans who were now grinning greedily with the knowledge they had just been gifted. My name was indeed Charlie Cooper, but up here on the stage I always went by Shadow. That’s where I was hiding after all, in the shadows. At least I had been hiding there until just about five minutes ago.

  I finished my set and sashayed my ass off stage to go settle up with Harry, the owner of this fine titty-bar establishment I found myself working in. Yeah, yeah, titty-bar isn’t politically correct, but guess what sweet-cheeks, there’s nothing politically correct about shaking your money maker for throngs of horny, sex-deprived men in order to pay your bills. I call a spade a spade and get on with my life. No need to sugar coat that shit.

  I had managed six months in this place, and clearly Phoenix wasn’t far enough away from my hometown to go unrecognized so now I’d be forced to move on. Dave Musher, the idiot who called out my name, knows my ex-husband. Well, for all intents and purposes, my still-legal husband. Not many people knew what went down with us so I was laying down money that good old Dave was doing Joshua Cooper a solid right about now and telling him exactly where he saw me and what I was doing.

  When I pushed open the office door, Harry glanced up with a dismal look on his face. “I heard,” he muttered. “Fucking hell, I’m losing my best dancer, because that asshole couldn’t keep his trap shut.” Harry was shaking his head. He knew why I was here, and what it would mean that I was called out publicly. “I’m guessing you’re here to settle up and get gone as soon as possible?”

  “Yeah,” I muttered with disappointment dripping from the one word. It wasn’t like working for Harry as a dancer was the best job I’d ever have, but I’d felt safe here. The guys knew my history, and they’d been looking out for me since I landed here. I knew I would be damn lucky to find some place like this again, especially since I had to stay off the grid and work under the table. Damn Joshua Cooper to hell for what he tried to do. Damn me for ever trusting him to begin with, and damn that whore that got in his head with her little plan.

  “Are you sure we can’t help with your situation, Charlie? I hate to see such a good girl on the run. You know other places like this aren’t going to be like mine. There are plenty of places where you could get hurt, or…”

  “I’ll be fine, Harry. I appreciate the concern, and thank you all for keeping me safe all these months. I know how to spot the good places. How do you think I found you?” I winked cheekily. At that Harry just grinned, stood, and came around his desk to give me a hug.

  “Sure am gonna miss you around here. If things ever turn around for you, you’re welcome back anytime. And not just as a dancer. I could use a good manager too so I can get a vacation one day.”

  “I promise, you’ll be the first call I make if I ever get clear of their little plot, Harry.” I started for the door before Harry called me back.

  “Here, take this,” he explained as he handed me a well worn business card. “An old friend owns the place. It’s not totally on the up and up, but you won’t be forced to do any of the dirty deeds that go on there. It’s strictly on a voluntary basis. If you find yourself near St. Louis, tell him I sent you.” He smiled brightly then. “For fuck sake, do not tell him why you’re running though. He can’t keep his damn mouth shut to save his life, or yours. He wouldn’t rat you out on purpose, but if Cooper’s name came up in conversation for some reason he’d start running off at the mouth like he had diarrhea.”

  With a laugh I took the card, wished Harry well, and called a cab to get me to the closest bus depot.

  Chapter 2

  Three months, and five shady establishments later, I had made my way northeast to the Dakotas. It was at the second establishment along the way, the one in St. Louis that Harry had told me about, where a fellow dancer named Macy filled me in about a little town near Sturgis that had some bikers who were easy to work with. She thought they might also be willing to offer protection for me if I could get the gig. When I asked why she no longer worked there if it was so great she explained that they had a strict policy against taking money for sex there. She had gotten caught doing just that and was turned out immediately. I hadn’t been sure about working for a biker gang, club, or whatever they called themselves, but the
fact that they fired her for whoring changed my mind.

  That’s how I found myself standing outside of a place near Spearfish, South Dakota named Renegade Rosy’s wondering how these guys came up with the oddball name for a strip joint. I was grinning up at their rather inventive sign of a woman pole dancing around an exaggeratedly large rifle when a male voice called out. “You going in sweetheart?” The deep baritone reverberated from just over my shoulder. No flinching required on my part, I had seen him approaching in the reflection on the blacked-out window in front of me. A woman should always be aware of her surroundings, after all, especially one running for her life.

  “Yeah, just wondering about the name of the place,” I explained, cool as a cucumber.

  He snickered a bit. “That so? Why would you wonder something like that? Some sort of vested interest in strip club names?”

  I just shrugged. “I was hoping for a job, actually.” It also hadn’t escaped my notice that he was wearing the kutte of the Aces High Motorcycle Club. They were the guys who supposedly owned this joint.

  “And what makes you think we’re hiring?”

  “I’m just here on a hope and a prayer,” I answered honestly. He tilted his head and gave me a quizzical look before moving past me to snatch the door open.

  “Well, come on in then, darlin’. Let’s see what we can do for one another.” In any of the sleazy joints I’d hopped through before landing here I would say that was definitely innuendo for what I’d have to do to get the job. This guy’s body language didn’t match his tone though. I had a feeling I was being tested.

  “Hopefully that means you need a dancer and I need a job, because pretty much anything else is out of the question,” I warned him, figuring the up front approach was my best bet. He turned, his laser-focus eyes taking me in from the front for the first time before a cheeky smile produced the sexiest dimples known to man on his lightly stubbled face.

  “Alright then, let’s head back to the office. I’ll get Spinner on board with this impromptu interview.”

  I knew from Macy that Spinner was the one that fired her, and he did it in a very gentle manner even though he was pissed about her extra curricular earnings. He even had a bus ticket for out of town printed off for her before she made it to the office. I followed the man I had met at the door, taking in his appearance as he walked ahead of me. He had long, dark hair that brushed his exceptionally broad shoulders. Shoulders that tapered down a muscular back to a tight, fine ass that his dark jeans were hugging in all the right ways. Just as I was taking note of that spectacular ass he turned his head, looking back over his shoulder at me with a knowing smirk. “See something you like, sweetheart?”

  I shrugged nonchalantly. “You have a nice ass, it’s not a crime to check it out, is it?” His grin ramped up to high beam status for a moment before disappearing as he mentioned, “if you work here, the brothers are off limits to you. Just something to keep in mind.”

  “Okay,” I agreed readily. I was not in any hurry to hook up with anyone anyway. Hell, even if my husband had blown away our vows by cheating and trying to have me killed, I wouldn’t be able to start something with anyone until I knew that horrible horror story in my life was over. Actually, I wasn’t sure I would ever trust another man. Ever. Which made it a damn shame that I wasn’t into women. The man’s quirked up eyebrow showed he was surprised by my quick response as he opened a door down the hall we had traversed and stepped aside to allow me entrance.

  There was a beautiful mahogany desk off to the right with what looked like the Lamborghini of desk chairs behind it. The damn thing had a control panel that made me wonder what kind of tricks it was capable of. I didn’t get long to ponder the question though, because another man moved into the office space crowding the room. He was every bit as large and imposing as the first man who brought me here. Where the first man was smiling darkness personified this man was broody-blond goodness. His looks reminded me of California surfer dudes trying to make it in the modeling world, only harder-edged instead of metrosexual.

  “You’re not from around here,” the new man spoke as if he knew what he was talking about. I shook my head in the negative and started to speak. He held up his tanned, calloused hand to halt my words. “It wasn’t a question lady. I already know you’re not from Spearfish, so what you’re going to explain is why you’re here, why you thought you could get a job with us, and what it is you want?” His narrowed eyes let me know he was waiting for me to lie to him about something. I’m not sure who exactly they thought I was, but their suspicions almost made me back right out the door. Almost. Desperation kept me rooted in place though, because I was going to be running short on funds if I had to hightail my ass out of South Dakota to somewhere big enough that I could get lost.

  “I trust my information will not go beyond the ears in this room.” He looked taken aback for a moment, but agreed. His word wasn’t the only one I’d be getting though. I turned to tall, dark, and panty wetting to get his agreement as well. He gave it, also barely masking his surprise at my insistence.

  “Okay then, my name is Charlie Cooper. I met a girl in a club in St. Louis that used to work for you guys, and I liked what she had to say. They both appeared to be on edge now. “I knew her as Macy, but she said she worked here as Sweetie-Pie.” The blond bristled.

  “If you know Sweetie-Pie, then you know she was fired, and for good reason.” I nodded. “And you’ll also know we wouldn’t consider her a good reference.”

  “Ah, but you see, I considered her a good reference when she told me why she was fired.” The blond cocked his head curiosity written in his baby blue eyes.

  “Why did she say she was fired?”

  “She was turning tricks here on the side, and she said that was a definite no-no.” I smiled and leaned forward, placing my hands flat on the surface of the desk. “Look, I just need to work for a place where I don’t have to worry about some shady asshole trying to sell more of me than I’m willing to give, and all I’m willing to give is my dancing. My body belongs to me. If I decide someone is to touch it, it damn sure won’t be because money was exchanged for the honor.” Blondie’s eyes flickered back to his darker counterpart who was standing too far behind me to see his reaction.

  “Why are you in Spearfish?” The blond asked.

  “I needed to get as far away as possible from my old life.”

  “What happened in your old life that required you to run?” His eyes were narrowed suspiciously again. I started to answer, but he held his hand up again, while taking note of something that popped up on his computer screen. “Before you answer, you should know, we will run a background check on you before we hire you. So, let’s not start bullshitting things now.”

  I blew out a frustrated breath. “Well, I won’t be working for you then. Sorry to waste your time today.” I lifted my hands from the desk and turned to go.

  “Do you want to try explaining why you can’t have a background check run?”

  My shoulders slumped in defeat when I realized they had probably already had someone doing it the moment I said my name. “You already started it, didn’t you?” I glanced back to see a look I couldn’t figure out pass between the two men. “He’ll find me now,” I huffed as I pulled the door open to leave. I had only taken one step out when I a large hand tucked in around my waist and pulled me back into the room.

  “Get your hands off of me!” I’d like to say I sounded confident and empowered, but really I just sounded like a screechy shrew caught off guard by the brute force.

  “My apologies, but you need to have a seat and tell us why our pulling your information was a mistake, because it’s already been made, and we won’t be held responsible for putting someone in unnecessary danger.”

  I sighed as the man released me and I flopped into the chair he’d placed me in front of. “Almost a year ago my husband tried to have me killed in order to collect on insurance policies at the behest of his side piece. The man they hired to do the d
eed was an old Army buddy of my dad’s, and he hid me away. Only, he never came back to get me like he said he would when he went to tell my bastard husband that I was dead. About three months ago I was working in Phoenix and someone I went to high school with happened to be at the club, and outted me by name in front of everyone. I’ve bounced between 5 different clubs since then. Club number two in St. Louis wasn’t so bad, and that’s where I met Macy. I figured South Dakota was pretty far, and I could be off the grid here, so I worked my way north to get here.”

  “How would a former NFL player know someone ran a check on you?”

  “His cousin is in the FBI. I’m pretty sure he’s already called in that favor since he had me listed as a missing person. He was hoping I was dead and would be found, but after his buddy saw me in Phoenix there’s zero chance of him believing that anymore.”

  “Why didn’t you go to the police initially?”

  “Because I didn’t want to out the man who saved my life. He was a friend of my dad’s. They served together in the military way back when. Besides, I know Josh has friends in the Vegas PD. They don’t exactly notice things when enough money is exchanged.”

  “Your father’s friend was an assassin, apparently?”