JoJo (S.H.E Book 2)
Table of Contents
Title Page
Book Description
M.C. Romances
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Special Bonus Chapter
Angel Girl
Dancing With Danger
Redemption Weather
The Other Princess
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
The Infinite Something
The Infinite Beat
About the Author
Author Links
S.H.E. MC – Book #2
Christine Michelle
Copyright © 2019 Christine M. Butler / Christine Michelle
All rights reserved.
Scanning, uploading, copying, and/or any distribution of this book, either electronically or otherwise, is illegal and punishable by law without express written permission from the author/publisher.
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Any similarities to persons, organizations, or places written about within these pages is purely coincidental, as this is a work of fiction.
Smashwords Version
Book Description
S.H.E. MC – Book #2
I just want a place to call my own, friends I fit in with, and the job I love to remain mine. The only problem with getting what I want happens to be that I wasn’t born equipped with a penis. Men don’t want me working on their cars or bikes simply because I have breasts instead. Never mind that I’m the best damn mechanic in a 200-mile radius.
Even my own dad killed me with the “man clause” in his will when he died. Sure, I was given his shop, but it would revert to my brother’s name in six months unless I get married to a man who can run the shop beside me. That’s hard to do when the last man I dated ran out on me to do his own thing while I cared for my dying father. The women of S.H.E. are my only saving grace, and even they can’t save me from losing everything.
Then there was the man waiting in the wings for me to lose it all. I couldn’t help wondering if the strength my dad wanted behind me was just a little bit of Steel.
M.C. Romances
S.H.E. Series
Aces High – Dakotas Series
Dancing With Danger
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Aces High – Cedar Falls Series
Redemption Weather
Aces High – Charleston Series
The Other Princess
A Love So Hard (June 2019)
*There are more books planned, as each series listed has 4-5 titles. If you don’t see them listed here, they will probably appear sometime in 2019 or 2020. Find out more about release dates at
Chapter 1
~Present Day~
Desperation never looked good on anyone, least of all me. Yet there I was, watching Chuck Winston fumble with a ratchet before dropping it with a loud metallic clunk and some mumbled swear words. He looked like what I’d imagine my grandfather would look like and, no doubt, he’d expect me to actually consummate the marriage with him. Not that I thought it would take him all that long to finish, but damn if it didn’t skeeve me out just to think about it. Chuck actually had a pretty willowy frame for an older guy. He was a little over six feet tall and, while he had to have at least some muscle on his frame, I wasn’t sure where he hid it. He was that thin. I had joked about him being in his sixties before, but according to our employment records he was really only 48.
That’s how desperate I was getting to keep my garage out of my brother’s greedy little paws. I was contemplating Chuck’s offer. My brother was a vulture though, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he swooped in and tried to take over early, knowing I had a little over two weeks left before time ran out. I wasn’t ready to give up, play the obedient little girl, and allow my shark of a brother to show up for the feeding frenzy that my garage going on the market would cause.
“You can’t seriously be considering that, can you?” Keys asked as she shuddered visibly from where she was perched on the window frame, looking down at the same sight I was taking in. My office was on the upper level of the garage with a window open to the garage bays below.
“Hey, at least he still has a head full of hair and most of his teeth, unlike Clyde over there.” I nodded my head to the other aging mechanic in the bay.
“I thought Clyde was married?”
“He said he’d divorce Shelly for me, and she begged me to take him.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I told them both I couldn’t be a home wrecker like that since they have kids. Honest to God, they both looked disappointed.”
Keys snickered. “Well, that’s probably the most honest depiction of long-lived marriages I’ve heard of.” Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on me. For the past three weeks I’d been pointing out shitty relationships where people entered into marriage because they were ‘in love,’ only to end up hating one another and being miserable. Keys had taken to playing along with me whenever our dear friend Angel Girl wasn’t around. No one wanted to burst her bubble. She was in love with the President of the local chapter of the Aces High MC, even if they were already having their own difficulties during the honeymoon stage. I sincerely hoped they would work it out though, because if anyone deserved a shot after a long hard road taken to end up together, it was those two.
“There has to be a better way, JoJo. I refuse to watch you marry that.” I could only nod as we both watched Chuck unabashedly pick his nose and flick a booger across the bay.
“Gross,” I muttered before getting up. “Come on, I want to show you the Camaro I’m working on down there. This guy came up from Atlanta because I’d worked on his buddy’s car and he said it’s never run better. Could you imagine if these hillbillies got some culture like those Atlanta guys? I might be able to stay in business without having a dick.” I rolled my eyes as I said it and continued walking down the metal stairs. As I did, I noted a few spots where the rubber treading was starting to wear away, and reminded myself once more that I needed to get that taken care of before I broke my neck.
“That’s slick,” Keys gasped as she hit one of the spots and clutched the handrail to keep from sliding right down the rest of the stairs.
“Yeah, it’s on my priority list to fix, assuming I get to keep the place.
“Hey, what about that new guy that transferred into Aces High?” Keys asked.
“What about him?”
“Quick says the man can fix any engine handed to him.” A hazy gleam settled in Keys’ eyes as she mentioned her boyfriend, Quickshot. He was the Vice President of the local Aces High Motorcycle Club. He was also a big clown, always making everyone laugh. If it weren’t for him, I’d probably never attend any of their functions. I refused to pass up the possibility of seeing Quickshot and Angel Girl go head to head in their infamous air hockey tournaments though. The winner always sufficiently humiliated the loser in the most public manner possible. It was a spectacle worthy of all the horrible pick up lines I had to endure from their other members.
“So, he’s a hot shot mechanic?” I questioned.
“Yeah. Can’t remember
his name, if anyone ever said it. Quickshot said something about bringing him by this week once he got settled in.” She paused a moment, deliberating what she was about to say. “I think they want to talk to you about leasing space for fixing their bikes so that they don’t have the overhead of starting their own garage. Plus, Sweet promised not to cut in on any S.H.E.’s businesses, you know?”
“This isn’t a S.H.E. business though,” I reminded her.
“No, I know. I think he was just being extra cautious.”
Now, Keys had my interest peaked. Business had definitely slumped a bit since my father died. Never mind the fact that I’d been the one running the place since he was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, and we had the same mechanic staff. Knowing that a woman was running the place was a problem for the good old country boys around here. Renting out a bay in the garage would allow me to keep both Clyde and Chuck on staff, at least until my brother swooped in and sold the place out from under me. I sighed. “Well, the place might not be mine much longer, but I’m willing to talk rent on a bay if they come around, and I can get along with this mechanic of theirs.”
The sympathetic look on Keys’ face was about to drive me to tears. “You know what you need?”
“Apparently a husband,” I quipped.
“Well, yeah, but besides that. You need a vacation.”
“I might not have a job two weeks from now, Keys. The last thing I need is a vacation.”
“No, it’s exactly what you need, one long weekend, just the girls. Let’s go to Vegas! We can even check out that new all male – Magic Mike style - review.” Keys had her phone out, texting away as she continued to speak. “Yeah, see, Tash is in and she said she’s working to convince Angel Girl. Three days. Vegas. My treat.”
“Keys, I can’t.” My shoulders slumped as the words left my mouth.
“You can.” She pointed toward the garage bay where Chuck was sucking on the thumb he’d just accidentally hurt with a wrench. How does that even happen? I would never understand why my father hired that man. “You’re thinking of getting hitched to that!” Keys spat at me. “Clearly, a couple days away are in order.” Chuck’s finger was back in his nose again as he tossed the offending wrench with the other hand. Was I seriously considering a marriage with that old, incompetent asshole in order to save me business? Jesus, help me!
“Okay,” I nodded my head as an involuntary shudder worked its way through my body. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Maybe I can get a job as a show girl while I’m there.” I thought about that for a minute and changed my mind. “On second thought, I’m not Legs so that won’t work, but maybe I can swing the job as towel-girl for that all-male review.” I waggled my eyebrows at Keys making her laugh.
“Hey, now there’s a career goal! Excuse me, I’d like to apply to hand dry, or even blow dry, all the Channing Tatum look-alike dancers!” Keys laughed and I joined her as the mental image of blow drying Channing Tatum with my mouth worked its way into my imagination.
“I wonder if I’d get hazard pay for the blow drying?” I giggled as I asked the questions, only to jump at the sound of a throaty chuckle and another throat clearing.
“She’s not here,” I said as I turned to see Sweet glancing around, obviously looking to see if Angel Girl was here since Keys was.
“We have a bike outside that needs some work on it, but Steel here wants to do the work himself.”
“Then why are y’all here?” Keys snapped out while crossing her arms over her chest and throwing a dirty look at her boyfriend. I loved my best friend. She was the one person I knew would have my back always. To see her immediately jump to my defense was beautiful, even if I didn’t think they meant it the way the rest of the idiots in this area did. This guy was probably the mechanic she’d just been telling me about, so it sort of made sense he’d want to work on his own bike. I didn’t say anything though, and instead waited to see how this all played out.
“We were just hoping you’d let us use some space. I’ll rent it until Steel’s done the work he needs to do. We don’t have a garage area set up just yet.”
“And y’all don’t trust a woman working on your bikes?” I accused for the fun of it since Keys had already put everyone on edge. Okay, I admit it was a bit of a bitch move, but life was shit and I needed a little entertainment at the expense of men for a change.
“Look, sweetheart, I don’t let other men work on my bike either. Where’s this JoJo guy so I can work something out with him?” And that was where the fun and games ended. This asshole walked into my garage and demanded to speak to the ‘guy in charge’ so he could work something out with him? Fuck that. I snatched up a cloth and started wiping my hands for no good reason other than to keep from throttling the bald-headed bastard. “Get your bike and get the fuck out of my garage!”
“Your garage?” Steel questioned and then glanced back at Sweet with narrowed eyes for some reason. “Well, shit,” he managed to get out on what sounded more like exhaled air. “I didn’t mean to offend you. Look, I’m sure we can work something out. I hear your place is in some kind of trouble, I can work something out where I rent the space from you to work if it’s a financial issue you’re having. I could buy the place too since we need a garage for the club.” I saw Sweet cringe at that and never had I wanted to kick someone in the balls more. No wonder he and Angel were already having trouble with their short-lived marriage.
“Are you serious right now?” I snapped at him and then turned to Sweet. “I see why your wife came back from your honeymoon without you now.” It was the only damage I could do beyond physical violence and I could tell it made its mark. Sweet pulled back and actually took a physical step away from me before the buffoon he’s brought into my garage carried on with what he thought was a great sales pitch.
“You have a great setup here,” he managed to get out while sounding genuine.
“Thanks,” I replied without meaning it. “I am well aware since it’s mine.”
“Oh hey,” Quickshot interjected nonchalantly after pulling his lips away from Keys, as if the room hadn’t filled to the brim with all kinds of tension and animosity while they were lip-locked and lost to their own world. “JoJo this is Steel. He’s our mechanic, just transferred in from the South Dakota chapter. Steel, this is JoJo. She owns the place.” I wanted to thank him for the too-late introduction, but he truly seemed oblivious to what had just gone down around him. Stupid man took to shutting up my best friend like it had been his mission, and it worked too, because now she was just standing there in a daze, having missed every bit of what just happened too.
“For now,” I finally gritted out.
“What exactly does that mean?” My hackles went up then. This man knew the garage was having trouble, and he’d just offered to buy it from me. The last thing I wanted to do was tell him how I was about to lose the place because I wasn’t a man or married to one.
“Long story,” I offered vaguely so as not to give him that detail.
Too bad Quickshot decided it was time to start paying attention at that point, because he filled the man in anyway. “Her father left the place to her with the stipulation that she had to be married in a certain timeframe or the business would pass on to her brother. The same brother who performs in Broadway plays and wants to sell the place for a quick buck, despite the fact that it’s been in the family for several generations now. Her timeframe is almost up, and she’s not even dating anyone let alone close to marrying someone.”
Quickshot’s summation left me simmering in my own anger again. Steel’s eyebrows rose as he turned back to look at me.
“Okay, maybe it’s not that long a story,” I managed to get out. I was also more than a little irritated that Quick had taken it upon himself to throw all of my personal information out there.
“I take it you don’t have any prospects for this marriage?”
“Oh, I have prospects galore. What I don’t have are quality ones.” I shrugged. “Chuck is looking like
the best option at this point.” I tilted my head in the direction of the man who had just relieved himself of his t-shirt, offering up a truly horrific glimpse of his bony, loose-skinned frame. He had a smattering of chest hair that seemed oddly patchy, almost like he had tried to wax and discovered it hurt too much to continue. There was also the issue that he was mining for gold in his nose again. Seriously, what was wrong with that man’s nose? Steel’s chuckle sent deep, vibrating tingles through my own body as he took in the sight.
“I was going to talk to you about renting bay space in the garage, but maybe the club can wait and just buy your garage instead. It’ll probably be cheaper than setting up a new shop anyway.” Steel disregarded me to look at a very uncomfortable Quickshot and a thoroughly pissed off Keys.
“My garage is not for sale!” I huffed.
“Not yet, but Quick just said your brother wants to sell it and I don’t see a girl like you marrying a guy like that just to save the place.”
“Excuse me? A girl like me?” The questions were flying off my tongue in rapid-fire succession as Steel dismissed me by heading back to the door.
“Come on Quickshot, I’ll talk this over with Sweet, and see if he’s okay with waiting.” That was when I finally noticed that Sweet had left the building at some point during our conversation. He probably lost interest once he realized Angel Girl wasn’t going to be here for him to pester. I was seriously tempted to pick up a wrench and brain the big, bald head of their club brother though.
“Um, Steel, I don’t think…” Quickshot started to say, but he was cut off by Keys who caught on to the fact that my hand was inching ever closer to the tools sitting on my workbench, waiting to be hurled at the bald asshole’s head.
“You might want to just leave, and take this conversation somewhere else.” Keys interjected with a heavy weariness to her tone. Steel turned around to see what the fuss was all about and when he saw the hate-fire I was spitting out through my eyes he smirked. Seriously, the bastard smirked. Then to add insult to everything else, he winked before walking the rest of the way out the door.